Kiku wa Ittoki no Haji, Kikanu wa Isshō no Haji (聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは一生の恥)

Jun 17, 2018 18:13
Since I felt ashamed today, I would like to talk about a proverb related to 'shame.'

It is "kiku wa ittoki no haji, kikanu wa isshō no haji" (聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは一生の恥).

Kiku (聞く) means 'listen to/ask,' ittoki (一時) means 'temporal,' haji (恥) means 'shame,' kikanu (聞かぬ) means 'not listen to/not ask,' and isshō (一生) means 'lifetime.'

As you can guess, this proverb literally means that if you ask something, you will feel ashamed temporarily, but if you don't ask it, you will feel ashamed throughout your lifetime.

There are several similar English expressions; these are "Asking makes one appear foolish, but not asking makes one foolish indeed" and "Better to ask the way than go astray."



「聞く」は 'listen to/ask,' 「一時」は 'temporal,' 「恥」は 'shame,' 「聞かぬ」は 'not listen to/not ask,' 「一生」は 'lifetime' を意味します。


似た意味を持つ英語表現として、 "Asking makes one appear foolish, but not asking makes one foolish indeed" や "Better to ask the way than go astray" があります。
No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • As you can guess, this proverb literally means that if you ask something, you will feel ashamed temporarily, but if you don't ask it, you will feel ashamed throughout your lifetime.
  • As you can guess, this proverb literally means that if you ask something, you will feel ashamed temporarily, but if you don't ask at all, you will feel ashamed throughout your lifetime.
Nowadays it's "Googling makes one appear foolish, but not googling makes one foolish indeed" ))
Thank you so much for the correction!
Haha, that's right.
You're welcome!